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My practice explores the notion of being within a landscape.

In Finland nature and culture are closely entwined and this comes hardly as a surprise for those who have encountered the vast forests and countless islands and lakes of my country. In a world where nature is becoming more and more remote for the majority of people - while remote places are diminishing, I feel an urge to look at the human relationship to nature in all its simplicity.


In my works I aim to speak both of the physical landscape and of the inner landscapes that the experience of being in one provokes within us.
I play with what might be read as ‘romantic’ scenes. By deconstructing and reworking images into fragmented elements of time, I create poetic works with a sense of traversing through space.


The use of opposites continues to create a conversation and tension in my work. Pairing light and dark, combining vast panoramas with the smallest of details and using unexpected scales, are ways of how I like to challenge and interrupt a classical and romantic sense of landscape.

Through different media I create works that are based on both memory and experience, partly fictional, sometimes constructed and usually with emotional and ephemeral qualities.

I work with artists’ books, video, prints and projections, building layers to create physical and thinking space that allows a linear way of finding your way through the work.

Mark-making is a persistent part of my practice and pairing it together with photographic images provokes something very tactile about landscape.

With a playfulness of materials and textures, a love for translucent layers and repetition, I aim to create poetic fragments of inhabiting and embodying landscapes, alluding to how I actually experience and move through them.


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